WIC: Giving Children the Best Start to Life

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have a child under the age of five, we want to provide you with healthy foods, nutrition education and breastfeeding support!

People in the early months of pregnancy, migrants, and working families are encouraged to apply.

 Healthy foods     🍏 Nutrition education     🍌  Breastfeeding support    🍊 Community referrals     🍐 Healthy foods      🌽  Nutrition education     🍌  Breastfeeding support     🍊 Community referrals      🍐
 Healthy foods     🍏 Nutrition education     🍌  Breastfeeding support    🍊 Community referrals     🍐 Healthy foods      🌽  Nutrition education     🍌  Breastfeeding support     🍊 Community referrals      🍐

What is WIC?

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a nutrition program determined to improve the health and development of women and families with little ones before their 5th birthday, including pregnant parents. Across San Diego County, our expert team of big hearts for small children provides the following services:


Healthy Foods: $50 – $100 cash value per person for nutritious foods, loaded monthly onto a CA WIC card and interactive mobile app.


Breastfeeding support: Trained breastfeeding counselors share the benefits of breastfeeding and offer practical advice and support.


Healthy Foods: $50 – $113 cash value per person for nutritious foods, loaded monthly onto a CA WIC card and interactive mobile app. 


Nutrition education: Nutrition assessment and flexible, ongoing support tailored to your family’s individual needs by Registered Dietitians, Degreed Nutritionists and trained professionals.


Breastfeeding support: Trained breastfeeding counselors share the benefits of breastfeeding and offer practical advice and support.


Community referrals: Connections to comprehensive, necessary resources to raise a family, like health care, child care, housing and parenting support.


Nutrition education: Nutrition assessment and flexible, ongoing support tailored to your family’s individual needs by Registered Dietitians, Degreed Nutritionists and trained professionals.


Community referrals: Connections to comprehensive, necessary resources to raise a family, like health care, child care, housing and parenting support.

Who Qualifies for WIC?*

We invite you to apply for or refer your patients to WIC if you or they live in San Diego County or Imperial County and meet one of the following:

AND meet the following income requirements

      Number of people in family**            Gross monthly income (as of 2023)***
2 $3,152
3 $3,981
4 $4,810
5 $5,640
6 $6,469
Number of people in family** Gross monthly income (as of 2023)***
2 $3,041
3 $3,833
4 $4,625
5 $5,418
6 $6,210

You may still qualify if you don’t meet the income requirements but you receive…

  • Medi-Cal
  • CalWORKs (TANF)
  • Calfresh (Food Stamps/ SNAP)
  • Unemployment benefits

*As of April 2024
**Pregnant people count as two people
***Military families, if you are unsure about how to count Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) or other income, please click here for more details or call your nearest agency.

WIC is safe and available for ALL eligible families including immigrant families. It is available to anyone who lives in California and meets the program guidelines regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

What’s new with WIC

  • Different options for your WIC appointments: phone, video, online, and in person.
    Talk to a WIC team member about the possibilities for your next appointment.
  • Paying for your WIC foods is fast and easy with the WIC card. No more checks! 
Grab our new card and checkout with ease!
Grab our new card and checkout with ease!

WIC Cares About Your Health

WIC is committed to keeping you and your family safe and healthy. We are still providing remote services where possible. Many appointments are over the phone or over a video call.

If you have scheduled an in-person appointment, here are a few things to note before you come in:

  • Mask are optional.

  • If you or any member of your household have flu-like symptoms, please do not come to your WIC office. You can still get your benefits!
    • Contact your WIC counselor to complete your appointment remotely or reschedule.
    • Contact a healthcare professional about your symptoms.

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This institution is an equal opportunity provider. California Department of Public Health