WIC Benefits for Military Families

Many military families are eligible for WIC services. You can apply for WIC if you meet certain income requirements and are pregnant, have children under the age of five or have recently lost your pregnancy. WIC offers healthy food benefits, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, referrals to community resources and more.

Man in military uniform holding his child
Mom in military uniform holding her child, dad in plain clothes wiping child's face

When can I enroll?

You can enroll in WIC as soon as you find out you are pregnant, or as soon as you find out about WIC. The sooner you apply for WIC, the sooner you start receiving your benefits!

Currently No Need to Leave Base

You don’t have to go off-base to access WIC services. WIC is currently doing nearly all appointments over the phone. You can use WIC cards at both on-base commissary as well as off-base grocery stores that accept WIC.

Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)

Unlike similar assistance programs, WIC does not count Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) payments to determine if you are eligible. So, even if you are not eligible for other assistance programs, you might still be eligible for WIC!

Income Requirements for Military Families

Military compensation is divided into different categories. When determining whether your family is eligible for WIC, not all categories of income are counted. If you or your partner are deployed, there are additional considerations that are made. You can find a list of some of the included and excluded income below.

Included Income

  • Basic Pay
  • Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS)
  • Family Separation Allowance (FSA)
  • Continental US Cost of Living Allowance
  • Clothing Allowance
  • Bonus Pay
  • Foreign Language Pay

Excluded Income

  • Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)
  • Overseas Cost of Living Allowance 
  • Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA)
  • Family Separation Housing Allowance (FSH)
  • Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA)

If you’re not sure whether you qualify based on income requirements or want to know whether other categories of income will be counted, please contact WIC to set up an enrollment appointment. At your appointment, a counselor will look at your unique situation to determine eligibility. You will hear more about which documentation to bring when you make your appointment. 

Income guidelines are reviewed every year – so even if you don’t qualify this year, check back in June!

Moving Bases

If you are moving bases soon, you can still apply for WIC where you live now. Once you move, you can talk to your counselor about switching locations.

Overseas Military Families

Military families that are stationed overseas can still be eligible for WIC.

Accordion Tab Title 1
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Accordion Tab Title 2
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Accordion Tab Title 3
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